Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our little peanut


7 weeks - It is kind of hard to tell this is a baby!  The round part is the yolk sac and the little bean is the baby - we could even see the little heartbeat!

11 weeks - Starting to look a little bit more like a baby!

20 weeks - I love those cute little lips and the little hand!

20 weeks - This is my favorite picture!  I'm not really sure why - I just love how he or she looks all snuggled in there!  Don't mind the part where it looks like the baby is missing an arm, just weird shadowing on the utlrasound :)

31 weeks - This picture makes me laugh.  If you can decipher what you're looking at, you can see the baby's little face in the background (his/her eye is sort of visible and a little bit of the lips and chin).  He has his hand over his face and then his little leg is on the left side - you can see the knee and the little calf and then his foot is on his forehead!  The tech said we had a little acrobat in there all scrunched together!!!


Danielle said...

There's an awful lot of "he's" in the last part. Did you leak some secret info?!?

Shantel said...

Hehe, nope, just get tired to saying he/she all the time so I just picked one, lol :)

Kristen said...

I'm so excited to meet your little one!!!