Saturday, November 5, 2011


This occurred a few weeks ago... Savannah was being awfully quiet, which is never a good sign. I went looking for her and heard some faint noises coming from the bathroom. This is what I found:

"What Mom??? Why are you staring at me?"

"Oh that... that wasn't me!"

"Really Mom, I didn't do it... I just found it like that!"

The little stinker! I caught her as she was sauntering out of the bathroom and she really did look at me like she was the most innocent thing in the world. Kind of like, "Did you see what happened in here? I didn't do it!" It was pretty funny, despite the poor fate of the toilet paper roll.


Heath said...

hahaha...I actually laughed out loud! The pictures are perfect - I love her "expressions."

Kristen said...

so funny!! :)

Anonymous said...

hilarious!!! I love her "thoughts"... I bet you're right on!!! aren't their personalities just astounding!? God even gave each one of THEM a little personality, all their own!!! : )