Thursday, July 24, 2008

The mind of a woman

There was a semi-serious conversation that I wanted to have with Shantel this evening (being the wonderful husband that I am and meeting the emotional needs of a woman), but Shantel had other plans. Have a listen:

Andrew: So there is something that I want to talk about that begins with a "d", ends with an "s", and has a "p" in the middle.
Shantel: Diapers?

While Shantel was correct that diapers does begin with a "d", end in an "s", and have a "p" so perfectly placed in the middle, diapers was not what I had in mind. My intention was to talk about DPS, the Department of Public Safety, but I guess that will have to wait for another evening when the mind of a woman isn't focused on kids, poo, and diapers.


Caitlin said...

Haha! That's too funny.

Caitlin said...

Hey Shantel! I tagged you on my CT blog!