Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our little ones

Although Andrew and I aren’t part of the recent movement that has brought three new beautiful babies into our family, we do have our own new excitement. Last weekend I put together an indoor garden on a bookcase in our bedroom. It’s complete with adjustable fluorescent lights and a container to grow my seeds. Last Sunday I planted dill, cilantro, and sage. Since then, each morning I have crawled out of bed to check on them and see if any life can be seen, but day after day I’ve waited, seeing nothing but dirt. As you can imagine, I was starting to worry that they may never come. Saturday morning, however, I glanced over and saw something out of the ordinary in my pot.

Much to my surprise there were three little dill sprouts that had come up overnight! I was ecstatic! By later that evening a few more had popped up. This morning I got up and there were nine dill sprouts, two cilantro sprouts, and one sage sprout! Some of you may think I’m crazy by my overwhelming excitement, but there is just something amazing about putting a little seed in the ground and then seeing it sprout after days of waiting. Andrew, being the wonderful husband that he is, has even gotten quite excited about them!!

I also planted some strawberries, but the directions were a little misleading and I’m afraid I may have killed them by planting them too deep in the soil. I’ve corrected the wrong, but we’ll just have to wait and see if any life will come from them. You’ll surely get another post when that happens! In the meantime, while all of you new parents are gazing at your beautiful babies, I’ll be talking tenderly to my new little dill sprouts!

The first post....

So, here it is, our first blog post. A few weeks ago I came home to see Andrew beaming and with an excited, “guess what?” voice, he proceeded to tell me he wanted to show me something. I was a bit hesitant thinking he was going to enlighten me on the newest model of gun put out by Springfield or the latest advances in the budget that would allow him to buy such a gun. Instead my eyes fell upon a blog page with “Ternes Trekkings” standing out in bold letters across the top. I was a little caught off guard. I was excited about the prospect of having a blog, but I can’t tell you the last time I had heard the word trekking and it was being used to describe our lives together. When I inquired about the name, he was quick to read me the definition. According to, trekking means to go on a journey or trip, especially one involving difficulty or hardship. At first, I was a little sad that this was the word picked to describe our lives together. Andrew then went on to explain his reasoning and I feel he nailed it on the head. He said our life will be a journey that will be difficult due to the sin in the world and the fact that we are not yet in heaven. The more I have pondered this idea, the more certain I am that this word is perfect in describing the future of our lives. When I think of a journey, I think of a long trip that may be rough, but has a much anticipated destination. That is indeed true of our lives. The road ahead will surely have rough times, but this trek is taking us toward our Lord and Savior and finally being with Him in heaven, our final destination. So enjoy the updates of our trek together.